How to Convert Dual Audio Movie to Single Audio?
Few days back I thought to watch a dual audio movie (hindi + english) on my TV. When I inserted the USB in TV and played the movie then by default it was giving english audio. Actually I wanted to play it in hindi audio but there was no option in my TV to switch between audios. I searched on internet and found a simple way to convert the dual audio movie in single audio using a software named as Format Factory. Luckily that method worked and I was able to watch my movie. 🙂 🙂
I thought to share the method so that others get benefited.
How to Convert Dual Audio Movie to Single Audio?
1. Go to below link to download Format Factor for free.
2. Install the software and then open it. Now select the destination format in which you want to convert the video. Suppose you want to convert to MKV format, then select it. You can choose any other format that is supported by the device in which you want to play the video.

3. A new window will open, there click on Add File button to choose the video file.
4. Go to Output Setting and choose High quality and size option so that the quality of converted file should not decrease.

5. Click on Option button, this will open a window as shown in below image. There you will see all the available audio formats under Audio Stream option. Just choose the desired audio format and click on all OK buttons.

6. Click on Start button as shown in below image to start the conversion.

Finally you have your movie in desired audio format so go and enjoy it.
Comment below if you are facing any problem to convert dual audio movie to single audio.
the audio language has changed but the audio and video are not matching, the audio is coming almost 7-8 seconds before the clip plz tell the solution