Get Top Search Engine Rankings by Analyzing Backlinks with a Backlink Checking Tool

If you want to get the top search ranks in the results of Google, then you must understand that it is not as easy as it looks. We would like you to know that almost everything on your website positively or negatively affects your ranking position in the search results. In this article, we will tell you about the most important factor affecting your website’s position and credibility in the search engine’s eyes.

Yes! We are talking about backlinks. The backlinks regarding your site are the most important factor that would determine your position in the search results and your reliability in the niche and industry. Google surveys all the backlinks on your sites and the basis of different factors, and it sets your position in the search ranks. In this article, we will first tell you about some of the major factors that affect your search ranks relevant to backlink analysis.

Get Top Search Engine Rankings by Analyzing Backlinks with a Backlink Checking Tool

How Can Backlinks Affect Your Search Ranks?

Here are some of the elements that are considered by the search engine:

Number of Backlinks/Linking Domains

The number of backlinks to your website is one of the most important ranking factors in the eyes of Google. You must know that the more the number of linking domains, the more authority your site would have in the search engine’s eyes. But you must know that all of the domains linking to your site should be relevant to the niche you are working on.

Age of the Linking Domains

The age of the linking domain is another important factor that determines your search ranks. Older linking domains are considered to be more powerful by the search engine. So we would suggest you generate backlinks with older sites rather than newer ones.

Anchor Text of the Backlink

The text used to link back is also an essential factor in the eye of the search engine. The anchor text under which the domain is linked helps the search engine understand the website niche. You can also consider the anchor text as the identity of your page.

Quality of Linking Content

A very important factor that we cannot miss out on is the quality of the content where the link has been placed. If the quality of the content is not up to the mark and if the word count is low, it will not be very valuable to you. High-quality content with a considerably larger word count is considered best for putting a positive impact on the search engine.

Other than these, there are many more elements regarding a backlink that determines its quality and its impact on the search rankings of your website. Today you can get to know about the quality of a backlink and whether it is good for your site or not with the help of an online backlink checker or analysis tool.

How Can Analyzing Backlinks Help You Improve Your Ranking Position?

If you want to improve your search ranks and your authority in the search engine’s eyes, you have to ensure that you ensure the quality of domains linking to your site. By checking the quality of a backlink and analyzing different aspects related to it, you can easily shortlist the best ones for your site and remove those that have no value or are irrelevant to your website.

You can find the quality and relevancy of backlinks with the help of a backlink checker. Still, you can also find out the backlinks used by your competitors. If your competition enjoys a higher search ranking than you, you can always steal their backlinks.

Best Backlink Checking Tool for Every Webmaster

If you want to check backlinks to your website or your competitors, you can easily use an online backlink checker like the one by smallseotools. This backlink checker is very easy to use, and you can utilize it without any prior experience.

To check the quality and relevancy of links to your site, you have to enter your domain address in the URL box of the tool and click the ‘get backlinks’ button. The tool would find all the domains linking to your site and provide deep insights into their quality. You can discover where the backlinks are coming from, the anchor text being used for the link, the domain authority and rating of the link, the type of link, the traffic it brings to the site, relevancy, and much more.

This information is vital for a web admin who wants to win higher SERPs. If you want to get free information about the backlinks to your website and the ones linking to your competitors, then you should cash the free backlink tool. Today the information collected by the backlink checker isĀ  being used for:

  • Better search engine optimization
  • Lost link recovery
  • Competitor backlink audit and stealing
  • Building relationships with high authority sites
  • Building a better linking profile
  • Winning authority in the industry

For more details, try the best backlink checker by yourself!

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